So after Jessica's baptism party dad took us to Ted Drews!!!!! Now if you havn't been to Ted Drews before and you live in a million mile radious then you are just plain CRAZY! It is THE BEST ice cream you'll every have. They are famous for their concreats, they're so thick you can turn them upside down and the ice cream will stay in the cup! So we hadn't been there this summer which is almost like a sin in our family so of course we had to go:) here are some pics I too while there:
Gramma go to come with us which was real treat:) |
We all had a really good time and we LoVEd the Ice cream! Oh, and if your wondering why there isn't a pic of Jake, he didn't get to go because he went with our Uncle on a short trip. Have a great day, week, month, year, the rest of your life....ect.