About Me

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I'm a Travel loving, deer huntin, nail paintin, gun shootin, book readin, frog chatchin, clothes shoppin, Music lovin, Hair finxin, Country Girly-Girl and I hope you enjoy my blog:)


Thursday, October 24, 2013

It's been a while.....

Wow! Really Lena? It's been almost 6 MONTHS since you last posted anything! Ugh sorry guys! I have really no excuse except that I was lazy. Sorry.
    NOW on to some updates!
   #1-I got my drivers license! Yeah it only took me almost an entire YEAR. Whoops:)
   #2- I took the PSAT. One more step towards College.
   #3- Speaking of College, that's where Jake is now. He up and left us for some "higher education" or some such nonsense! :D
   #4- I was in Peter Pan over the summer, yep totally failed to show you ANY pictures.
   #5- Yeeaahhh thats pretty much all I've come up with. Here is a picture for ya
Our "Indian Tribe" in Peter Pan.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013


 A couple weeks ago we got to go to our Uncle's farm and go fishing! Something we haven't done in forever! We had a lot of fun and the girls caught lots of fish (even more than the boys:P)

James, the little fisherman.

Annalise's first fish, she was pretty much disgusted.

He blended right in with the grass:D

Well that's the pictures I have for now:) Have a great week!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


  Well its over now. I guess I don't have to tell you all again that I'm going into depression:P It was so wonderful to finally be part of a Fine Linen show! I will FOR SURE be trying out for their next one! Here are some memories from the show!
Megan, Tess, and I all had an overall day! It was so fun:D I think we can totally pull of the "farm girl" look, no?
Consider yourself! 

These two snagged my camera a took some pictures while I was away:D The funny part is I didn't find out until days later!
I love 'em

I made a great new friend in Oliver-Jantzen!! She is AWESOME and I love her!

Another friend I made-Marti! The SUPERB drummer that always said hi and wore some AWESOME hats;)
Well thats pretty much all the pics I got....I was so busy talking the whole time (probably why I lost my voice....:P)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


   There's just something wonderful about going back and watching old Walt Disney movies when your a teenager! When my brothers and I were little Walt Disney movies were the thing to watch, we had seen pretty much all of them, many times. Now, sadly, many kids, including my little sisters, have seen only a few if any! Recently, Netflix has been putting tons of the old Walt Disney movies on instant play! Last night we watched Pocahontas with the girls and it was still awesome! I had forgotten so much of it, such as the awesome music!! Next we are going to try watching Mulan and Dumbo. NONE OF US HAVE EVER SEEN DUMBO!!!!! Horrible, I know! So go watch a Walt Disney movie with you little sibilings if you have any, if not, well grab some popcorn and sing your heart out with the movie:D Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy new year!

Happy New Year to all of you! Thank you all for following my blog faithfully even when I did not post anything for a while:D May the new year bring you health, happiness, and laughter!!