About Me

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I'm a Travel loving, deer huntin, nail paintin, gun shootin, book readin, frog chatchin, clothes shoppin, Music lovin, Hair finxin, Country Girly-Girl and I hope you enjoy my blog:)


Monday, August 15, 2011

30 RaNdoM things about mE

Here are some randome facts about me. Enjoy!
1. I love high heels
  1. I hate bananas
  2. I won't eat a desert if there is alcohol in it
  3. I love figuring out electronic things (cell phones, computers, ect..)
  4. I find it almost impossible to grow out my nails (they keep braking and they annoy me)
  5. I will only wear a skirt if it is right around the knee or all the way to the floor (I can't stand skirts that just go to the shin)
  6. I hate the color orange
  7. I only like a few of Shakespeare's plays ( they are all his “humorous” plays”)
  8. I like Jane Austen story lines but don't like the way she writes (yes, call me immature but I don't)
  9. I don't eat ANY food or drink that has fermented (I personally find it disgusting)
  10. I HATE rap music
  11. My eyes are blue but they change from all blue to blue-ish green, depending on what I'm wearing.
  12. Sometimes I like writing essays
  13. I will kick you in the face if you touch my feet (its a reflex)
  14. I love C.S Lewis
  15. I was born on a Tuesday at 3:00 pm
  16. I love being dramatic
  17. I love making people laugh
  18. I can't stand it when people wear tights with shorts! UGLY!
  19. I am allergic to chicken feathers and cottonwood trees (although I just get a stuffy nose)
  20. I wear brown not black
  21. If a book isn't interesting by the first chapter I won't read it
  22. It is impossible for me to go to bed before 10:00pm unless I'm sick
  23. I can wear gold or silver jewelery
  24. I LOVE anything mocha
  25. I have 12 rings
  26. I have 40 pairs of earrings! (most of them are costume though)
  27. I think perfume is absolutely ridiculous and a wast of money (if you want to smell good just take a shower and use good smelling body wash!)
    note: I do like Scentsy perfume as it last a long time, smells good, and is only $18 compared to $40+!
  28. I am terrible at math and despise it
  29. I like comments ;)


IvyP said...

I never realized how much our random lives are alike Lena. lol

Lena said...

HAHA! I finally got my comments to work!!! YEAH!!