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I'm a Travel loving, deer huntin, nail paintin, gun shootin, book readin, frog chatchin, clothes shoppin, Music lovin, Hair finxin, Country Girly-Girl and I hope you enjoy my blog:)


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Phantom of the Opera

Ok so yeah I'm totally obsessed! I just watched "Phantom of the Opera" for the first time and AHHHHHH!! For some reason I haven't seen it until now and OH MY it was good! I saw the 2004 version and they did an EXCELLENT job! The music? I was OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!! As you can ask my family (especially my brothers. hehe)I have been singing/humming it for about 4 days:) lucky for them I don't have the sound track! Yet! *evil laughs*
   Back to the movie, it was totally done in song!! which I LOVE!! and the costumes were AMAZING!!! The only thing I didn't like about it was the ending. I mean COME ON the poor phantom just goes away?!?!?! And she marries the rich guy?!?!?! who ends a movie like that? I was pretty much crying at the end..... Anyway, have you seen the movie? did you like it? If you've seen the play did you like it better?
p.s. I like to think the phantom goes off and marries Meg:)


Lizzy Komaromi said...

My first comment on your blog!!! i totally will be commenting more often!

I totally agree I LOVE that movie!!!! I didn't like the ending either!

p.s It was great to see ou at the Hamachers!!

Lena said...

Glad I'm not the only one:P
It was GREAT seeing you too! Are you going to be at the dance on Friday?
Thanks for commenting! <3

IvyP said...

I have not seen that movie yet but, I want to. Where did you get it "Verbena" Lena? (You do know that's my nick name for you for like the rest of your life right?)

Lena said...

hehe at least I have a nickname:) I got it from Caeley. We should all watch it together sometime!

Anonymous said...

I used to watch that movie 24/7 a few years ago... it drove Brooklyn INSANE!!!! so i watched it even more;p