About Me

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I'm a Travel loving, deer huntin, nail paintin, gun shootin, book readin, frog chatchin, clothes shoppin, Music lovin, Hair finxin, Country Girly-Girl and I hope you enjoy my blog:)


Sunday, October 30, 2011

World Series

We aren't a sports crazy family but we do get excited about the big stuff like the world series and the super bowl! We all watched the World series and were rooting hard for the Cardinals! We were so happy when they won too!! (25 cent slushies! Oh YEAH!) Here are some pics i got........

Me and Baby James<3

She makes me laugh so hard!

Like our hats? ^

I did manage to get at least ONE good family photo!
Well there you have it folks! The 2011 world series at the Howdy's! Hope your days going great!
P.s Is anyone going trick-or-treating this year? (leave a comment please!) I am going to be a ---- well you'll just have to find out won't you?! I'll try and get a few pics on here.... we'll see.....


IvyP said...

That is a great pic of your family Verbena (Lena). Love your hat. <3

Lena said...

Thanks! The lighting was really weird for some reason though.... hehe thanks!It was my "lucky hat" because i wore it the last to games they won!

Anonymous said...

You're super cute, Lena. ;)