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I'm a Travel loving, deer huntin, nail paintin, gun shootin, book readin, frog chatchin, clothes shoppin, Music lovin, Hair finxin, Country Girly-Girl and I hope you enjoy my blog:)


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

10th day of Christmas

                 "On the 10th day of Christmas my true love gave to me;
                                         10 lords a leaping
                                          9 ladies dancing
                                        8 maids a milking
                                      7 swans a swimming,
                                         6 geese a laying,
                                    5 goooooolden rings!,
                                        4 calling birds,
                                        3 french hens,
                                       2 turtle doves,
                             and a partridge in a pear tree!!!!"
Happy 10th day of Christmas! We are now coming down with the flu (yey!) i think because all three little girls have thrown up! Poor things:( Please pray they get better and no one else gets sick (especially James!) Only two more days of Christmas left! so sad:(

1 comment:

IvyP said...

Oh, sorry their sick I got sick Sunday but, am thankfully over it. But, now dads sick! I will be praying for y'all. :)