About Me

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I'm a Travel loving, deer huntin, nail paintin, gun shootin, book readin, frog chatchin, clothes shoppin, Music lovin, Hair finxin, Country Girly-Girl and I hope you enjoy my blog:)


Monday, July 18, 2011

4th of July weekend (part one)

Okay, okay, Sorry I haven't posted in forever! But I've been very busy! I'll start were I left off~ 4ht of July weekend was AWESOME (no surprise there!) Everyone except dad went down to TDL on Saturday morning (the 2nd) After we said our hellos to everyone and ate lunch (I think we had hot dogs) we got our suits on had headed to the water! The water was PERFECT and we had tons of fun playing on the "Lilly pad". Dinner consisted of my ALL TIME FAV... RIBS! And bread!!!! I got a little slice of heaven that night:) Saturday night we set off our annual display of fireworks and only 3 exploded on the dock! (no one was hurt thankfully:) Then all of the cousins stayed up late talking and then went to bed. (Oh, we went to church Saturday night) Sunday morning I woke up late, had a good breakfast, and went down to the dock for another day of swimming!! My great grandpa's sister and sister in-law got to come down for the day making Sunday even more fun (Dad got to come down too! No work!) Again we swam, ate, and visited all day long. After we got out of the water my cousin and I realized THERE WERE NO DILLY BARS!!! Oh HORROR! No weekend at TDL is complete without dilly bars, so we took up a collection and Jake took my cousins and I to DQ and we got 4 boxes of dilly bars! When we got back we played a very lively game of charades! Then we had dinner and Jake, Joe, Madeleine, and I convinced mom to let us stay another night and Jake would drive us home in the morning. When everyone went out on the boat to see the fire works at the dam, Jake drove Me and our two cousins to the beach part of the lake where we could see the fireworks really well. we then went to bed and got up early the next morning and left. It was a great weekend but I didn't take a single pic! Sorry:(  I'll try harder next time! <3 you all!

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