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I'm a Travel loving, deer huntin, nail paintin, gun shootin, book readin, frog chatchin, clothes shoppin, Music lovin, Hair finxin, Country Girly-Girl and I hope you enjoy my blog:)


Saturday, March 19, 2011


Humm.... I hope you all agree that being sick STINKS! 2 of my sisters got the flu really bad, especially Madeleine who is still recovering! Amazingly enough I didn't get sick! But I have God to thank for that! And also this amazing stuff called....... SILVER BIOTICS!!! This stuff is Amazing! All you have to do is drink a tablespoon of it 3 times a day just as soon as you start to feel bad. And the best part of it? It doesn't taste nasty! It just taste like stale water! I love this stuff! Why am I writing about this you my ask? Well simply because I feel everyone needs to know about it:) Hope you all have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

IvyP said...

I agree.Being sick stinks!I love silver biotics.I think my mom may have told your mom about it.