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I'm a Travel loving, deer huntin, nail paintin, gun shootin, book readin, frog chatchin, clothes shoppin, Music lovin, Hair finxin, Country Girly-Girl and I hope you enjoy my blog:)


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Funny things....

Ahhh I love my little sister<3 She cracks everyone up with the funny things she says and does. Here are some of my favorites;
When I ask her how much she loves me she says, "Big Much!"
If she breaks something accidentally she get this scared look on her face and says hurriedly, "I tan fix it!"  (Can)                                                         
She CAN NOT say lasagna! She tries really hard though!                                                 
If she wants something and you won't give it to her she says, "Pweese Nina?" (she calls me nina:) "I'll be your best friend ever!"                                   
                She is REALLY picky! If she doesn't like something she will pucker her lips up, point her finger and say "I don't wike does" (like those) 
If you think those are funny you should see the expressions she makes! Ahh gotta lover her:)           


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