About Me

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I'm a Travel loving, deer huntin, nail paintin, gun shootin, book readin, frog chatchin, clothes shoppin, Music lovin, Hair finxin, Country Girly-Girl and I hope you enjoy my blog:)


Tuesday, November 1, 2011


So this year we DID do halloween and my lovely friends the Campbells took me with them to the a really nice neighbourhood in union to go trick-or-treating. So as you can see in the picture above i was........A GYPSY! pretty cool huh? lol!

At my friends house before we went... 

umm yeah don't ask i was already on sugar-high!

My friend was "the spirit of HaLLoWeEn!!" Pretty scary right? hehe

OK so this is the best dog costume ever right?!?! In case you cant tell what it is its a mop! Awesome right?!?!? humm maybe i shouldn't have eaten that bag of candy today................


Anonymous said...

Ah! How cute...you're an adorable gypsy. ;) hehe...
We're doing our annual family costume party this Sat, and I've got a pretty wacko costume. :D hehe...be sure to watch for pictures!! ;P

Miss you! <3

IvyP said...

I love your costume Verbena and the others too.
Ahem... Would you consider sharing some of your candy with an old friend?

Lena said...

haha! Thanks Megan<3 oh i check your blog like every day! I can't wait to see you costume! You were dora last year weren't you? Loved it!'
Why thank you! of course i would Ivy! Just come on over:)