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I'm a Travel loving, deer huntin, nail paintin, gun shootin, book readin, frog chatchin, clothes shoppin, Music lovin, Hair finxin, Country Girly-Girl and I hope you enjoy my blog:)


Sunday, September 23, 2012

The long expected party...

 The long expected party has now come to an end:( For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, let me explain. The group that has been doing the English country dances that we go to celebrated their 10th anniversary yesterday! While trying to come up with a theme for their 10th anniversary ball, they discovered that they had held their first dance on none other than Bilbo and Frodo Baggins' birthday! And so of course it was a LOTR themed costume ball! Here is how it turned out....

Everyone in our family dressed up in costume (much to my surprise!) 

All the girls! Plus our friend Sage got to come with us! Double the Fun! She came dressed as Rosy and she looked so beautiful!

Madeleine came as an elf/hobbit. (she could't make up her mind:) 

Katie came as an Elf princess, although I don't know if you can see her tiara .. 

I came as the offspring of Aragorn and Arwen, so half elf and half man (or is it woman..?) Hence the rounded ears and the lack of powers:P 

Mom and Annalise were Hobbits

Jake was a Hobbit as well and took great pride in his pipe. 

Jake and Caeley dancing. I'm thinking they had fun...:)

Dad dressed as Gleaver, son of Weaver, from the house of the Believers...he made that up himself

Caeley, Me, Jacob, Katherin, Sage, and Katie

Tess and Spencer dancing the Scottish

Jacob and Katherin dancing the Scottish

Mr. H and Erin dancing the Scottish

The Scottish with our wonderful photographer Caleb taking pictures

 (is it just me or does that person's crown in the back look like a puff of smoke?!)

Mrs. M and Annalise:) 
 Well that's all for now! I didn't get a picture of Joe's outfit but he was dressed as a Ranger. It was a most marvelous party and there were costumes from all over Tolkien's books! From Hobbits, to Elves, to Riders of Rohan, to men of Gondor, to Ents, to Dwarves, and even the wonderful band dressed up as Tolkien himself! I can't wait till the 20th anniversary!

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