About Me

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I'm a Travel loving, deer huntin, nail paintin, gun shootin, book readin, frog chatchin, clothes shoppin, Music lovin, Hair finxin, Country Girly-Girl and I hope you enjoy my blog:)


Monday, May 16, 2011


Hey all you cold Missouri people!! So as all of you know, we're on Vacation!! Today We wok up at 5:00am! VVVEERRYY early for me but I was really exited so it wasn't so bad:) We left at 6:45am (only 45 minutes late, pretty good for us!) and we had gotten about 15 minutes from our house when Jake realized he had left the pump on. So we had to turn around and didn't end up leaving (again) until 7:15. Then we drove for about an hour and stopped at McDonald’s for breakfast where the girls had a great time playing on the playground. Then we drove until lunch (making a couple of stops along the way) and ate lunch in Kentucky at a really cool place. It was an estate where the Governor used to live back in the 1800-1900s? After lunch we were stretching our legs and dad challenged Katie to a race to the curb where he plowed over her because she ran in front of him, we were laughing pretty hard! (good family memories were being made:) Then we got back in the car and pretty much drove, making a couple of bathroom breaks, the rest of the way to Birmingham, Alabama. We got to the hotel at around 6:00pm (perfect timing!) and were just in time for the FREE dinner!!! We rushed through dinner and promptly went to the pool and had a great time swimming and sitting in the hot tub! Katie can basically swim and Madeleine is in the process of learning. Then we went back to the room and had a great time watching TV with dad while mom listen to a Scentsy call. And now I'm writing this, I am pretty tired so I need to go to bed now but I will post pictures tomorrow. JUST ONE MORE DAY TILL THE BEACH!!! I can hardly stand it!!!
      Love you all and miss you!!,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

From Caeley ,
Thanks for posting this stuff! I can't believe you left us here with this cold weather. :*( Mom says stay on the beach as much as you can , and bring me back some shells! :)